
2022 Everest Group report compares VMS providers

December 16, 2022

More enterprises worldwide are leveraging contingent workers to build an agile workforce that can be scaled quickly as a hedge against economic uncertainty. Today, nearly half of the average workforce worldwide consists of non-employee workers.

Acquiring and managing this extended workforce effectively requires increasingly sophisticated technology. For HR and Procurement professionals, choosing the right technology can be a career-defining, “you bet your job” decision. Fortunately, resources are available to help you make a better informed decision.

Vendor Management System (VMS) landscape 2022

To help enterprise teams evaluate VMS technology providers, the management consulting firm Everest Group has published a report entitled “Vendor Management System (VMS) PEAK Matrix® Assessment with Technology Vendor Landscape 2022.” This comprehensive 77-page report assesses the strengths and weaknesses of 21 leading VMS technology providers and ranks them based on their ability to deliver products successfully

Know the Leaders, Contenders & Aspirants

In their report, Everest Group groups technology providers into three categories based on a combination of market impact and overall vision and capabilities. The top four companies (spoiler alert: this group includes Beeline) are identified as “Leaders.” Thirteen companies are cited as “Major Contenders,” and the remaining four are categorized as “Aspirants.”

The reasons for these classifications are demonstrated graphically in a summary dashboard and supported by detailed assessments of each VMS provider, with descriptions of strengths and limitations and a visual representation of the company’s performance in eight key areas.

Infographics make a complex analytical framework easier to understand

This information is supported by infographics defining user personas, VMS functionality and capabilities, and integration layers. It also identifies the VMS providers’ strength by industry, geographical region, contingent labor categories, and other factors that could be important for your contingent workforce program.

Of course, the most important infographic is the proprietary PEAK Matrix® assessment on page 16. This graphic illustration represents a compilation of the three Market Impact factors: Market Adoption, Portfolio Mix, and Value Delivered on one axis, and the five Vision & Capability factors on the other. 

This illustration, supported by the detailed information this report provides, should give enterprise teams a good indication of which VMS providers to consider in their technology search.

A note about "Star Performers"

In addition to classifying VMS providers as Leaders, Contenders, and Aspirants, the Everest Group’s 2022 report also names six providers as “Star Performers.” These are companies that displayed exceptional market growth or made significant enhancements to their products and capabilities since Everest Group’s 2021 landscape report.

Beeline was selected as a Star Performer for its double-digit year-over-year growth in Spend Under Management, and for significant solution enhancements, including the acquisition of JoinedUp, a software solution for shift-based staffing, and for the introduction of Beeline’s game-changing, intuitive, mobile-optimized user interface.

Why you should download this report

If you are considering upgrading your contingent workforce management technology, either to implement a VMS for the first time or to replace an outdated system with the latest proven technology, you owe it to yourself to get a copy of Everest Group’s report.

Download this report to:

  • Read which four VMS providers Everest Group classified as Leaders, and why
  • Learn which VMS providers have the greatest experience and market share in your industry or geography
  • Understand which VMS providers are evolving beyond staff augmentation to offer services procurementdirect sourcing, high-volume shift-based labor scheduling, and other extended workforce management capabilities

To read Everest Group’s 2022 report, download it here. To learn more about the next generation of extended workforce management technology, follow Beeline on LinkedIn or on Twitter at @BeelineVMS.